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Wow does time fly. We are almost a month into our second semester. We have had 90 degree temperature changes this month as the past couple of weeks have been beautiful after that extreme cold snap. The days are getting longer and spring will be here before we know it.

The weather isn't the only thing heating up.  Scranton Public School has been one busy place. Winter extra-curricular activities are in full swing, and our winter athletic seasons have passed the half-way mark. Our students are on the road quite often, but their focus remains in the classroom. Our teachers are preparing engaging lessons and it is exciting to see the creativity of both students and staff. 

As we delve into the second month of the new year, it is essential for us to address some prevalent concerns affecting our students – the impact of social media and the rise of vaping. These concerns are not just with other places in the country, they are issues our own students face every day.

Social Media and its Influence:

In today's digital age, social media plays a significant role in the lives of our students. While it can be a valuable tool for communication and learning, it also comes with its challenges. We encourage parents to actively engage in open conversations with their children about responsible social media use. Be aware of the platforms they are using and set appropriate boundaries regarding screen time.

Teaching our students to be critical consumers of online content is crucial. Encourage them to think before they post, to respect others' opinions, and to report any inappropriate behavior. Our school promotes a positive online culture, and we believe that by working together, we can create a safe and supportive digital environment for the students of Scranton Pubiic School.

Vaping Awareness:

Another pressing issue is the increasing prevalence of vaping among teenagers. Vaping poses serious health risks, and it is vital that we educate our students about the dangers associated with these products. Our school is committed to providing accurate information about the risks of vaping, and we encourage parents to have open discussions with their children about the dangers of nicotine addiction and the potential long-term consequences on their health.

At our last teacher in-service, we had a presentation for our staff on contraband that can be found in the community and our schools. We know the use of vaping is on the rise by area youth and we want to be proactive in providing the information needed to assist our students in making healthy choices.  By working together as a community, we can create an environment that promotes health and well-being for all our students.

On behalf of our staff and students, I would like to give a shout-out to our community. The community of Scranton has had its share of hardships hit over the last few months. It makes it much easier to teach our students the importance of empathy and community involvement when it is modeled throughout our community. At Scranton Public School, we will continue to focus on the values and morals that has made Scranton the great community it is. Thanks again to the leaders and organizers of the many great events that help support the members of our community.

If the rest of the school year moves as quickly as January has, we will be talking graduation before we know it. Check out our calendars for upcoming events, cheer on the Night Hawks as they continue through the winter seasons, and as always, thank you so much for the support. Go Night Hawks!

Counselor's Corner

Title I Newsletter

February Menu

February Birthdays

February Calendar

Summer Scrubs Camp Information