Happy New Year! We hope this message finds you well-rested and ready for an exciting second semester. As we embark on the remainder of the school year, we want to extend a warm welcome back to all our students, parents, and staff.

New Year, New Opportunities: The start of a new year brings a sense of renewal and fresh beginnings. It's a wonderful time to set new goals and embrace new opportunities. We encourage both students and parents to take advantage of the upcoming months to engage in academic and extracurricular activities. The second semester always brings opportunities for new challenges. Our clubs and activities will be active and are great ways to engage in the learning experience at Scranton Pubic School.

Academic Focus: As we return to the classroom, we remain committed to providing a nurturing and challenging learning environment. Teachers have prepared engaging lessons and activities to inspire curiosity and foster academic growth. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress, don't hesitate to reach out to their teachers or schedule a parent-teacher conference. 

Reminders for Success:

  • Ensure your child arrives at school on time and is prepared for the day's activities.
  • Encourage regular homework and study habits to support academic success.
  • Stay connected with teachers and the school community through our communication channels.

Celebrating Achievements: We are proud of the accomplishments of our students and staff during the first semester. Whether it's academic achievements, sports victories, or artistic accomplishments, we celebrate the hard work and dedication that contributes to our school's success. We are looking forward to celebrating even more accomplishments as we move into the second semester of the year.

Winter Weather: What a wonderful winter we have had to this point. Very few worries on the roads to and from activities so far. Key word is so far, we do live in North Dakota and we do know we will deal with winter weather eventually. Please remind your students that in order to ride on the bus to school or activities, they must be properly dressed for the weather conditions.  Hopefully we continue to have the beautiful weather, we deserve it after last school year!

 We are grateful for the continued support of our school community. Together, we can make the second half of the school year even more successful and fulfilling. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or concerns.

Here's to a fantastic new year filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences!

Kelly Pierce

Counselor's Corner

Title I Newsletter

January Birthdays

January Menu

January Calendar

Hoop Shoot Winners